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Multifunctional residential complex in Novorossiysk. 2018-2020

Project: 2018-2020
Address: 39/12 Kommunisticheskaya / Rubina str., Novorossiysk

Customer: IP «Pogosov N.V.»
Project organization: LLC «GrandProjectСity»

Project leader: Saprichyan K.V.

Leading аrchitects: Burdin M.N., Sinikov E.A., Silacheva I.N.
Architects: Burdin M.N., Kalinina V.A., Kalinina A.O., Sinikov E.A., Silacheva I.N., Sunyaykin S.I.
Engineer: Gerasimov D.A.
Constructor: Kabanov K.O.
Urban planning solutions: Head - Gorbunov V.V.

The design site is located in the Central district of Novorossiysk and is bounded by Engels street, Rubin street, Kommunisticheskaya street and Pobeda street.